Archive for the ‘Podcasts’ Category
Confronting the myth of the difficult individual genius, Hitchcock, the metaphorical importance of breakfast, and pushing past objects to get a proper view »
Greta Gerwig’s impossibly precise screenplay, dreams, memory, Florence Pugh, creativity as commerce, and so much more. Episode 343 – Little »
Bong Joon-ho’s skills, Song Kang-ho’s charisma, the use of music, levels, and class. Episode 342 – Parasite »
Adam Sandler, the aggressive subtlety of Josh and Ben Safdie, Darius Khondji, Kevin Garnett, The Weeknd, and sweatsuits. Episode 341 »
Rian Johnson getting his name in bold letters, the extra mystery hidden within the cinematography, and the donut hole of »
1980s Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro as a comedian, the film’s depiction of Rita, production design, and trying to get »
Quentin Tarantino’s love of feet finally going somewhere, Leonardo DiCaprio’s vulnerability, Brad Pitt’s ability to play something simultaneously big and »
Elsie Fisher, Bo Burnham’s feature debut, zoom lenses, and a whole bunch of sad shit about modernity. Episode 335: Eighth Grade »