Alex and James look at the news of the week in Hollywood.
Ice Cube has been doing interviews discussing another sequel in his Friday series, which now contains Friday, Next Friday and Friday After Next. The film will start shooting as soon as Cube can convince everyone to call a movie Friday A Month From Now.
Although The Hunger Games doesn’t hit theatres for a few more weeks, it’s already looking like it could be the next big Thing. The movie is tracking so well that many analysts are saying it may have a bigger opening than Twilight, largely because more males will likely show up to a dystopian action movie than a female-led romance. So if you thought the whole Twilight thing got annoying and out of hand, imagine both genders acting that way. #TeamKatniss
Angelina Jolie reportedly rejected the latest draft of a sequel to Salt. Perhaps that explains her Oscars appearance: we all know she had given up eating food years ago, but now she won’t even consume seasoning.
The new trailer for The Avengers hit the internet this week and shattered The Dark Knight Rises’ total with 13.7 million downloads in the first full day after it was released. More amazing than the new record is the fact that 13.7 million was also the number of movies Samuel L. Jackson had to appear in to properly set up the story of The Avengers.
Michael Bay’s comparatively low-budget film Pain & Gain has added Tony Shaloub to its cast, ensuring that the movie has its vaguely ethnic character to treat in a racist manner.
Also, this.