Alex writes about Blade Runner 2049.<\/em><\/p>\n NOTE: This title is 100% stolen from one of my favourite essays by Chuck Klosterman. Like most of Klosterman\u2019s work, I could never write something 8% as good as his essay, an essay about a Guns N Roses tribute band that still makes me laugh out loud despite having read it probably 15 times. For reasons both personal and stylistic, Appetite for Replication happens to double as the perfect title for my essay here as well. Lucky for me, nobody reads my writing, therefore I should escape sans repercussions. So here we are.<\/em><\/p>\n In discussing Blade Runner 2049, the whats and the whys of it all, I have taken to repeating the same thing over and over. The film offers so little in the way of concrete information \u2013 be it plot, character, whether or not what we\u2019re currently watching is actually happening even within the reality of the film, etc. \u2013 that to the viewer the film becomes pretty much as good as we want to make it. (Editor Joe Walker talked about this recently in the Art of the Cut<\/a>, saying himself and director Denis Villeneuve tried to pare back the dialogue as far as they possibly could.) If you feel like thinking about your failure to garner a promotion at work, you can find that in this film. Should you prefer to revisit all the things you thought about during Spike Jonze\u2019s Her a few years ago, that is very obviously present as well. If you want to search for an answer as to why Dave Roberts started Yu Darvish in Game 7, you can probably find it here. Blade Runner 2049 never closes doors; it only opens them.<\/p>\n Much like its predecessor, Blade Runner 2049 is a sort of Terrence Malick movie for sci-fi heads*: if you want to look for something, the movie never gives you enough information to contradict what you have chosen to believe. But if you want a normal movie, you\u2019re going to walk out saying, \u201cWell that was pretty, but I fucking hated it.\u201d Again, much like Malick\u2019s work, I have never fully accepted Blade Runner as a truly great film, and I don\u2019t know that I ever will. I will likely watch it every few years for the rest of my life, but I will never get past certain elements. I confidently feel as though Blade Runner 2049 is the superior version of the two films, as Blade Runner 2049 is a more precisely captured version of the world Ridley Scott was trying to will into existence back in 1982.<\/p>\n *As an aside, a Terrence Malick science-fiction movie sounds like something I desperately want to see; Song to Song in Space would probably end up being my favourite movie of the decade. (As it stands it looks like Tarkovsky\u2019s Solaris is the closest we have.)<\/em><\/p>\n That said, this could all be simply because I saw Blade Runner 2049 on the right day. I was willing to look for what I would eventually find.<\/p>\n One of the most persistent images of Blade Runner 2049 is the slow, patient walk our lead character K moves about new parts of his world with. When entering a new location alone, K moves slowly, with his shoulders angled, indicating that he is always halfway toward turning around and sprinting in the opposite direction. Most notably, he approaches Deckard\u2019s Las Vegas abode this way, wary of what could be awaiting him. (K approaches the awaiting confirmation of his wooden horse memory the same way.) This is an indication of K\u2019s persistent feeling of being unsure where he belongs \u2013 we see him in his apartment seeming almost comfortable, and that\u2019s about it \u2013 which is compounded by\u00a0conflicted feelings he may have about his job as a blade runner (if it is possible for a replicant to have feelings*). He walks comfortably through places he has been before like the police station, or walks confidently to his spinner after setting Sapper Morton\u2019s habitat ablaze, but K is worried about any and all new environments, because he knows how the old ones have treated him.<\/p>\n *See? This movie gives you nothing concrete, leading me to need to qualify almost every element of it as I mention it. This is why there are a billion shitty undergrad essays about Blade Runner bouncing around, and why (if film doesn\u2019t totally recede from academic culture as it continues to recede from popular culture) there will soon be another billion about Blade Runner 2049. And this shitty undergrad-level essay you\u2019re currently reading will surely be as messy as Deckard\u2019s 2019 apartment as a result.<\/em><\/p>\n If there is a single feeling K seems to continually project, it is one of the reject. He is a replicant who does the job nobody else wants to do, and the only acceptance we see him gain is from Joshi and Joi. In the former case, K\u2019s acceptance comes seemingly only because he does exactly what Joshi wants pretty much all the time (with the exception of that one time when Joshi wants to finish a bottle of vodka and maybe have sex with K), and K knows any acceptance he gets from Joi comes only because she is programmed to deliver it. Anybody with enough money to buy a Joi from Wallace can get the same acceptance; it is a valueless type of acceptance to K (or at the very least acceptance of a dubious sort). Pretty much everybody else in the movie shuns K entirely, with fellow citizens writing slurs on his apartment door, or causing him to cower in fear walking down the halls of his own workplace. That K is portrayed by Ryan Gosling, a man with a constant case of sadface, only exacerbates this feeling.<\/p>\n There is much to be discussed about this film, much of which I have discussed on a different medium on this same website. But what (eventually \u2013 admittedly I came to this conclusion days later) resonated with me this fourth time seeing the picture, the proper time for certain feelings to register, was K\u2019s utter feeling of disillusionment. He is a replicant who believes he is not special, who then captures a glimmer of hope that he is special, only for that to be crushed once again. By feeling any sort of positive way about his own existence, he is able to feel an even more crushing blow than the many blows the world had delivered to him up to this point.<\/p>\n Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve is certainly no reject in the world of film; he is highly regarded, properly recognized as a deeply skilled auteur. He is a man who toiled away on smaller films for a full decade and a half before being accepted by a world willing to give him more money to make his thoughtful, auteurist pictures. After Incendies was a critical success, Warner Bros. trusted him to make Prisoners*, which begat Sicario, which begat Arrival, which begat Blade Runner 2049 (coincidentally a film about begetting).<\/p>\n *And his brief weekend jaunts with Gyllenhaal making Enemy, a very good but incomparably scaled film.<\/em><\/p>\n It is impossible to guess what Villeneuve truly thought about his own career pre-2010, but it\u2019s probably some variation of \u201cI\u2019m just happy to be a working filmmaker,\u201d which is the standard line for independent directors who do not get to work with the budgets they\u2019d like. The growth in scale of Villeneuve\u2019s films has been so gradual and cautious that it\u2019s entirely possible he sort of found his way into Hollywood genre filmmaking more than he ever felt destined to do it. (It is not hard to imagine a version of Prisoners made with a micro-budget, for example.) The Academy nominated Incendies for Best Foreign Language Film, and it broke down a certain wall, the wall standing between Villeneuve and a $50 million budget. And that film\u2019s success allowed Villeneuve to make subsequent successful films, which allowed for an eventual (at least) tripling of his highest budget to make his latest.<\/p>\n Blade Runner 2049 is the first film of Villeneuve\u2019s since he started making English language films to not be an unqualified financial success pretty much immediately upon release. It is the first time he has been rejected by viewers in a long time, and Alcon Entertainment\u2019s* bet on him seems to have been misplaced**. It became another example of the continued degradation of how we see cinema: if it\u2019s not sure to give us the entertainment we desire, it\u2019s not worth leaving our home for.<\/p>\n *Long story short: this is Alcon\u2019s biggest budget to date, three times their typical limit. On the podcast I misspoke about them having financed countless independent films throughout the 2000s, which is simply untrue \u2013 they mostly operated in the cinematic middle class, with a distribution deal through Warner Bros., primarily making movies in the budgetary range of $30-50 million. I think I confused my twenty or so basement screenings of Christopher Nolan\u2019s Insomnia through the 2000s as Alcon financing many cool auteurs. I do not exactly regard My Dog Skip as classic cinema. Stepping back from the film itself, my main concern over the non-success of the film – and in modern Hollywood, not quite being a success at a budget of this size will always be viewed as a failure – is what Villeneuve is able to accomplish going forward. The notorious fickleness of Hollywood might bring an end to his run of patient, auteurist genre pictures, simply because this most recent patient, auteurist genre picture is not as successful as its financiers would have hoped. Maybe his version of Dune or Cleopatra never happens; maybe he has to go back to the smaller worlds of Prisoners and Sicario and Arrival. (This, it should be noted, would not necessarily be terrible.) I don\u2019t actually worry about whether or not Blade Runner 2049 will hinder Villeneuve\u2019s confidence as a filmmaker, because most directors who make such confident films have a strong belief in their ability to make another one. But he is a human being, one who has garnered more professional success in a short period of time than most gain in a lifetime, and it is worth pondering what effect a sudden change can have on a psyche.<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\n<\/em>**Although they must have been aware that a sequel to Blade Runner 2049 was always going to be risky. In my conversations with people I know, most people know of and have seen the original film, but at least half of them do not care for it. 2049 is a sequel to a known property, yes, but it\u2019s a property known to be divisive.<\/em><\/p>\n