The MacGuffin Men return from their MacHiatus with a vengeance this week.
Since The Macguffin Men took their hiatus, TIFF has ended and all the stars have left Hogtown for Hollywood and we must go back to pretending George Strombolopolous is a real celebrity. We looked back at the festival, showed some TLC to SNL and welcome a new contributor, Colin, who swears he got this job on merit.
MONDAY – The day after TIFF ended, Alex explained his new theory on how to make a movie watching experience more meaningful (without the use of drugs) and his thoughts on 50/50 and Drive.
TUESDAY – Alex went more in-depth about his experiences working for TIFF and being so close to stars you can tan in their reflected glory.
WEDNESDAY – Alex helped us through humpday with his recommendation of Out of Sight, which may or may not involve humping.
THURSDAY – Just in time for SNL’s season premiere, we dropped our podcast all about the American comedic institution.
FRIDAY – On the ten-year, 12-day anniversary of 9/11, our newest contributor Colin took a look at what the day meant to the media, with a focus on political discourse and Real Time with Bill Maher. Free picture of Zach Galifinakias doing heroin included!